Tempered radicals set themselves apart by successfully navigating a middle ground. They recognize modest and doable choices in between, such as choosing their battles, creating pockets of learning, and making way for small wins.
— Debra E. Meyerson, Tempered Radicals
sean kelley leadership advisor

I believe that leaders can deliver operational excellence while using power for good to make a positive difference in the world. As a talent acquisition and diversity leader, I’m known as an innovator, visionary strategist and collaborator across organizational boundaries, unafraid to challenge the status quo to open the door more widely to the technology industry.  I have built strategic talent partnerships, delivering long-lasting impacts with HBCU Connect, City Year, the National Center for Women & IT, and numerous Veteran Serving organizations including Team Red, White & Blue, the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation Hiring our Heroes, and Student Veterans of America.

Services:  I can support you with Board and executive-level search; building diverse professional pipelines; and enhancing your campus pipelines and strategy.  Each of my engagements will be unique to your company and talent needs, delivered in collaboration with experts in the field with whom I have deep, long-standing relationships and a track record of success.  We will price these services on a per project basis if I am personally involved or, I will receive compensation from approved partners if you choose to leverage their services.  I will only refer you to organizations I have personal experience working with, which can deliver specific value to deliver value you are seeking and have shared values in supporting diverse talent access to opportunity.  

+ Testimonial (Will Moss, CEO, HBCU Connect):

“I have had the distinct pleasure of partnering with Sean over the last decade to put in place strategies and tactics to solve challenges in the world of diversity in corporate America.

Sean’s proactive approach to identifying high value relationships and his ability to spearhead relationships with key leaders has not only produced fruit for the organizations he has been a part of, but it has also planted seeds that continue to bear fruit long after putting the relationships in place.

Sean has the ability to see the potential of connections between organizations, as well as the ability to communicate the importance of those connections to key stakeholders such that all parties involved are able to move forward and meet mutual goals.
My organization, HBCU CONNECT focuses on connecting students and graduates from HBCUs with career opportunities.

Early on in our journey, Sean discovered our organization, reached out to us to establish a relationship. Sean recognized the potential of a partnership between our organizations and laid out a roadmap to significantly increase the number of diverse engineers within Microsoft with our help. Ten years later and the program continues to grow in results and importance for the company (Microsoft) year after year.

Due to Sean’s proactive approach to relationship building to achieve more diversity at Microsoft, the byproduct of Sean’s efforts to grow our partnership has resulted in an increase in diversity in the entire tech industry as more organizations adopt the strategy set forth by our initial partnership. That’s huge.”