let’s talk and see how I can help you, your team, or your business.

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    • I’ve used LinkedIn as a platform to share v-logs and experiment with connecting differently as a recruiting leader with different audiences. It’s been fun and rewarding to see responses from all over my network. Explore some of my favorite LinkedIn videos:

  • INSTAGRAM: @pxkelley89

    • I use Instagram to share a peek at the world through simple things. I am beginning to explore my passion for photography as a means of expression. 


    • Reading is an integral part of my leadership and life journey. Leaders can learn from other leaders, and find ideas in any type of book. I encourage all leaders to find a spiritual, or inner journey, as well, to wrestle with the moral responsibility we have with each other as humans. My approach to choosing books is intuitive, or maybe the book chooses me, a bit like a wand choosing the wizard, at exactly the right time. As we connect, happy to share recommendations, as I get to know you and what you’re seeking.